Mike Gravel's Campaign for President
Finally, a Populist Antiwar Candidate
CounterPunch, By Kevin Zeese. Feb 22, 2007
Cindy Sheehan on War Candidates
Democracy Rising, April 6, 2006
Is Your Candidate Against the War?
Peace Majority Report
Hawks for Withdrawal
The Nation, By Tom Hayden. May 17, 2006
"The Progressive Mourns Paul Wellstone" - Paul Wellstone, unabashed liberal
The Progressive, October 10, 2002
Eisenhower on the Military Industrial Complex
Public Papers, 1961
Democrats and the War
The Nation, November 9, 2005
A New Approach: Organizing Voters to End War
An organized antiwar voting bloc can send the peace message to politicians, March 2006
Hawk-Tied Democrats
TomPaine.Com, By Robert Dreyfuss. April 11, 2006
Wisconsin Cities and Towns Vote to Bring the Troops Home
24 of 32 cities (60% of voters) vote to bring the troops home now. April 4, 2006
National Poll Finds Strong Anti-War Voting Block
Two-thirds of all progressive voters are against voting for any pro-war candidate. March 2006
VotersForPeace.US Launches on Eve of 3rd Anniversary of Iraq War
Well-funded effort aims to make Iraq War 'an issue candidates can't ignore.' March 2006
No to Pro-War Candidates
The Nation, April 20, 2006
Ron Paul: Iran- The Next Neocon Target
Congressman Ron Paul on the plans to attack Iran
Student Takes on McCain Over Iraq War Support at New School Graduation
Democracy Now, June 9, 2006
Peace Activists at Hillary Clinton's Speech Try to Take Back "Take Back America"
By Medea Benjamin. June 15, 2006
Where Have All the Marchers Gone?
New York Observer, June 12, 2006
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