From: The New York Observer
Where Have All
The Marchers Gone?
They Feel Very Futile
By: Sheelah Kolhatkar
Date: 6/12/2006
Page: 1
On April 29, over 300,000 people gathered (depending on who you ask) at
22nd Street and Broadway to begin New York's latest large-scale march
in protest of the war in Iraq.
Headlined by war-bereft military mother and peace activist Cindy
Sheehan and actor Susan Sarandon, the marchers charged their way
through downtown New York, culminating their processional with a
"Grassroots Action Festival" at Foley Square.
The next day, they can hardly have been surprised that the protest didn't rate an A1 treatment from The New York Times.
But more galling was the reaction of New York's oldest lefty newspaper, The Village Voice.
In an article headlined "How to Kill a War in 10 Not-So-Easy Steps,"
the newspaper founded by Norman Mailer in 1955 wagged a patronizing
finger at the organizers, then archly offered suggestions from
lobbyists and consultants on how to actually end a war.
Not, it seems, by protesting.
Inside the ranks of many of these protests, there's a certain sluggish,
defeatist feeling. One wants to contribute to the event's body count.
But will it be reported accurately? And does it matter how many people
show up at a protest anymore?
"The peace movement's floundering," said Bill Dobbs. Mr. Dobbs served
for three years as the media coordinator for United for Peace and
Justice, one of the largest activist coalitions in the city. But he
left earlier this year.
"People really have to sharply focus on why Congress is allowing Bush to continue this war," he said.
Many who grew up in the protest politics of the Vietnam era remember a
city engulfed in anti-war sentiment, the streets teeming with
protesters. The comparison with those heady times is inevitable-and
only makes the current street culture seem relatively anemic.
"During Vietnam, which was obviously more unpopular, but even before it
became this unpopular, there were lots, lots, lots more protests," said
Thomas Frank, the author of What's the Matter with Kansas?
So what's the matter with New York?
No "Wind"?
"Movements tend to thrive when some critical mass of people have reason
to believe that their activities are actually going to have an impact
on policy," the old-school lefty, 60's protest leader and Columbia
professor Todd Gitlin said. "And they don't think there's one chance in
a billion that demonstrations will change the mind-if that's the right
word-of George Bush, so there's a sense of futility as well as
Peter Yarrow, one-third of the eponymous protest-pop trio Peter, Paul and Mary, knows the feeling.
"I'm not surprised. Dismayed, but not surprised," he said.
He said there was a marked difference in the political climate today.
"You don't have a 'Blowin' in the Wind,'" he said. "You have Michael
Moore, and that was a powerful piece of propaganda, but it was not
something that made people rise to the occasion. Propaganda is most
effective in terms of making people function deliberately out of
animosity and with a sense of rejection of something."
And a combination of the first two leave people feeling disempowered.
"People say, 'We're whipped,'" Mr. Yarrow said. "That's all a very
serious recipe for the breakdown of not just dissent, but reasonable
democratic dialogue."
Even Leslie Cagan, the national coordinator of United for Peace and
Justice, admits it's been quieter in the peace movement of late-despite
the fact that polls show widespread disenchantment with the war.
"Like any movement, there are moments when it's stronger and more
visible, and moments when it seems to be quieter, because it's less
visible," she said.
Ms. Cagan pointed out that there is small-scale anti-war activity
bubbling up every week-a vigil here, a few placards there-but said that
since the media tends to overlook them, nobody really knows about it.
"I think the anti-war movement has not gone away, has not shriveled up," Ms. Cagan said. "It's not dying."
It may not be dying, but it isn't a growth industry either. If the goal
is to bring about social change, and that doesn't seem to be happening
as a result of street demonstrations, then there must be other
motivations (pet causes like Mumia, zealous obsession with one's
opponents) that drive people to participate in protests-which then
turns certain other people off of protesting at all.
Mr. Frank said that he was interested in doing research into the topic,
but his sense was that the way Americans regard protesting now is as
more of "a therapeutic thing."
Another survivor of the Vietnam culture wars seemed to agree.
"There are always people around a social movement who feel so
passionately that they have to do something. They're not making
calculations about consequences, they just want to let everybody they
can know how they feel," said Mr. Gitlin.
The Peace Lobby
But those who remember the Vietnam War protests also know that this
anti-war movement isn't the same in ways that go beyond numbers.
Perhaps there is a vibrant anti-war movement, but it's not conspicuous,
with people working mostly behind the scenes.
"I would have expected more [from the movement], given the absence of
finding weapons of mass destruction and the unexpected way this war has
transpired," said John Mueller, a political scientist at Ohio State
University who studies war and public opinion.
But, he added, "it's probably normal, and probably Vietnam wasn't. The
Vietnam protest movement was unique. We're getting the same reaction at
home now as there was during the Korean War and others."
And it may be that the politically powerful protests against the
Vietnam War were indeed a sort of anomaly. This is the peace movement
in its midlife crisis, re-evaluating, strategizing.
Increasingly, groups like United for Peace and Justice are resorting to small-scale methods to advance their agenda.
One of the primary targets of their attention is presumptive
Presidential nominee Senator Hillary Clinton, whose vague, hawkish
stance has hardened into protective body armor as she frets about her
standing in the red states.
"I can't tell you how frustrated some of my colleagues have been,
because many of them probably worked to help elect Senator Clinton six
years ago," said Sally Jones, the chair of Peace Action New York State.
"Then when she voted for the war in November 2002-she, who would know
more than anyone what kind of power that gave a President-people sat
down in her office, they called her, there was intense lobbying on both
of the Senators, and it didn't do anything."
"A lot of our member groups have tried to meet with Hillary and have
gotten nowhere," said Ms. Cagan. "There have been meetings with people
on her staff. That's an opening. Obviously, it would be better if we
could meet with her directly, especially since she's supposed to be the
listening Senator."
Ms. Cagan said that dogging the Senator over the war has become
something of a full-time job for a small but dedicated group of rebels.
She herself had just returned, earlier that day, from a demonstration
outside the Hilton where Ms. Clinton was hosting a luncheon. "There
were 25 or so people out there, because her position on the war is so
atrocious," Ms. Cagan said. "That's just one indication that people are
as determined and committed as ever."
The petition that has been circulating in the House of Representatives
calling for a debate on the war may seem farfetched, but if a majority
signs onto it, they'll have to argue for something like 35 hours. And
then there's the New York City Council's registered stance (along with
about 100 other cities across the country, according to Ms. Jones)
opposing the conflict.
One action that Ms. Jones and her group are taking is to encourage
individuals to sign a "peace voter pledge," which is going around the
city (and nationwide) via paper and online petitions. It commits the
signer to casting a vote only for candidates who take a clear position
that "we need to exit from Iraq." Ms. Jones added: "Which means you
can't vote for Hillary Clinton."
Other tactics that only require small handfuls of people have also
proven effective-and given that Congress is the only body in a position
to influence the President, some activists, including Mr. Dobbs, are
urging the full focus of the anti-war movement's resources on it.
Last week, for example, demonstrators gathered at 14 Congressional
offices around the state of New Hampshire, reading the names of
soldiers who've perished in Iraq. The whole operation involved around
50 people, according to the Associated Press, and six of them were
arrested for refusing to leave Representative Jeb Bradley's office. But
so far, nothing like that has unfolded in New York.
"Thinking back to the early years of ACT UP . ," said Mr. Dobbs, "in
politics, you've either got to have a lot of money or votes to
deliver-if not, pressure, clamoring, noise in Congressional districts
around the country." The key, he added, was to have even a small group
of agitators relentlessly heckling and embarrassing the members of
Congress in their hometowns on the weekends. "When they go back to
Congress, they'll tell their colleagues in the cloakroom, 'We'd better
do something about this war.'"
"Protests as a tactic are about raising public awareness, and it helps
organize people who are not engaged," said Tom Matzzie, the Washington
director for But "the theory our members share when they
join with us is that they're going to create change in an election."
They are mostly focused on the election in 2006, he said, and nudging
the House of Representatives into Democratic Party hands is the
critical end goal. Which is offering a delicious hint of hope. "Six
months from now, you could be heading into a Congress where some of the
most powerful chairmen are staunch opponents of the war," Mr. Matzzie
said, citing the anti-war Pennsylvania Congressman John Murtha and the
primary in Connecticut, where Ned Lamont is challenging the hawkish Joe
Lieberman for his Senate seat. "That would be as big, or bigger, than
we'd be able to win on any weekend protest right now."
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