Meet Obama's Foreign Policy Adivsors
ALLAN NAIRN: Well, Obama's top adviser is Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski
gave an interview to the French press a number of years ago where he boasted
about the fact that it was he who created the whole Afghan jihadi movement, the
movement that produced Osama bin Laden. And he was asked by the interviewer,
"Well, don't you think this might have had some bad consequences?" And
Brzezinski replied, "Absolutely not. It was definitely worth it, because we were
going after the Soviets. We were getting the Soviets." Another top Obama person.
AMY GOODMAN: I think his comment actually was, "What's a few riled-up
Muslims?" And this, that whole idea of blowback, the idea of arming, financing,
training the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets, including Osama bin
Laden, and then when they're done with the Soviets, they set their sights, well,
on the United States.
ALLAN NAIRN: Right. And later, during Bill Clinton's administration, during
the Bosnia killing, the US actually flew some of the Afghan Mujahideen, the
early al-Qaeda people--the US actually arranged for them to be flown from there
to Bosnia to fight on the Muslim/NATO side.
Another key Obama adviser, Anthony Lake: he was the main force behind...
February 9, 2008
Could Nader be the Come-Back Kid of 2008?
As a life-long activist in the labor, peace and social-justice movements, I've watched with amazement, wonder, and exhilaration as the American people gave us the most surprising primary races in decades; and that was just the first month! We have eight months to go and undoubtedly many surprises yet to come. The race among major party candidates has provided more highs and lows than a calliope on rocket fuel. However, we've already entered a new phase of the election cycle: the Republicans are putting aside their differences in order to unify around a strongly pro-war position. The Democrats have coalesced on a neck-and-neck race between two "triangulating" Iraq war funders whose differences are more about race, gender and style than substance. And the progressive left has, as usual, fallen into lockstep behind one or another corporate-owned Democrat like some enabling abused spouse. Honest progressives will admit that neither Sen. Hillary Clinton nor Sen. Barack Obama offer us-at this point-a seriously better chance of ending the war on Iraq and turning out attention-and tax dollars-toward desperate domestic needs than Sen. John McCain does.
Iranian-Americans Seek Least-Hawkish Candidate
February 7, 2008
California, Feb 6 (IPS) - Jaded toward their government back home and cynical of
the current U.S. administration and the Republicans they historically supported,
a new generation of Iranian-Americans appears to be looking to Barack Obama to
bring about change, especially with regards to U.S. foreign policy toward
Many observers believe the refusal by the other leading
Democrat for the presidential nomination, Senator Hillary Clinton, to rule out
force against Iran in campaign statements, paired with her strong support of
Israel, has substantially weakened her support in the community.
troubles Iranian-American voters is the uncertainty about Senator Clinton's
position on employing military force against Iran. At least with the leading
Republican presidential contender, the option is clear: John McCain believes
that Iran is resolute on the destruction of Israel and favours sanctions and
military action against Tehran.
Read more . . .
Anti-War Candidates Are Top Recipients Of �08 Donations From U.S. Troops
Conservatives opposed to redeployment in Iraq have consistently claimed that U.S. troops are on their side:
President Bush: The [military] families gathered here understand that our troops want to finish the job. [Link]
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ): I want to � and I want to tell you something, sir. I just finished having Thanksgiving with the troops, and their message to you is � the message of these brave men and women who are serving over there is: Let us win. Let us win. [Link]
Yet U.S. troops disagree. Yesterday, the Center for Responsive Politics reported that members of the military donated the most not to McCain, but to two anti-war candidates:
Obama: "I want to end the mindset that got us into war in the first place."
February 5, 2008
2008 Campaign provides the opportunity to build a movement for fundamental change away from militarism
The issue on which Sen. Obama scored the most points in the January 31st debate with Sen. Clinton was the Iraq occupation.
While Iraq has been pushed from the front pages, despite continued carnage, it remains a priority for many voters.
Iraq persists to be an area of weakness for Clinton in the primary.
Indeed, the most recent CNN poll, which has Obama in the lead nationally for
the first time, shows Democratic voters trust Clinton more on health
care and the economy, but trusted Obama on Iraq. Iraq is the issue propelling Obama ahead of Clinton.
Obama made a number of points on Iraq in their last debate, finishing with: �I
don't want to just end the war, but I want to end the mindset that got
us into war in the first place.� He followed that lofty goal with a
promise: �That's
the kind of leadership that I think we need from the next president of
the United States. That's what I intend to provide.�
Read more . . .
Peace Mirage Makes Iraq a Non-Issue in Democratic Primary
January 22, 2008
Veil of Peace Rhetoric Shrouds Intent of Leading Candidates
Clinton and Obama are using the rhetoric of peace candidates but when
admit they will be leaving tens of thousands of troops in
Iraq. They have essentially agreed on the same policy along
with Edwards, while Kucinich is being excluded from debates.
recent Nevada debate, that included Clinton, Obama and Edwards and
excluded Kucinich, put the Democratic peace mirage on display. It
remains to be seen whether the veil of peace rhetoric will be
sufficient to satisfy voters opposed to the occupation in the general
more . . .
McCain and the Militarist Mentality
Amid all the media-generated hype
surrounding John McCain's narrow victory in the South Carolina primary � which
portrays him rising, phoenix-like, from the ashes of what many considered a
failed last hurrah � one anomaly stands out: he did well
among antiwar
voters. This seems counterintuitive, at first, especially when one considers
that McCain is the
candidate of the so-called "surge"
and has always been among the biggest warmongers on the block � not only when
it comes to Iraq,
but even regarding interventions that Republicans opposed, such as in
In that case, you'll recall, he urged the Clinton administration to launch a
land invasion
of the former Yugoslavia: just Google
McCain and "boots on the ground," and you'll come up
with the one underlying consistent theme of McCain's life as a public figure
� he always takes the most belligerent foreign policy stance imaginable, no
matter what the context. July 2,
2007 By Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Jr. The power of our voices against the U.S. occupation of
Iraq is reaching the top echelons of the military and the
administration. Our government is persecuting Americans who
speak out against the U.S. military presence in Iraq. The
U.S. military has launched politicized attacks on its own military
members and moral leaders who oppose the war to discredit their voices
of dissent.
Read Rev. Yearwoods full letter... June 13, 2007 When:
Friday, June 1 @ 5:00pm Iraq Veteran Adam
Kokesh is facing a Separation Hearing from the Marines for speaking out
against this illegal & immoral war. Kokesh served in
Iraq , received an honorable discharge and is now a civilian member of
the individual ready reserve. The Marines have scheduled a
hearing because of his involvement in a protest where he wore his
uniform. You can read
about Kokesh's case in this Washington Post
article. _________________
May 30, 2007 JOIN
WHEN: Tuesday,
June 5 @ 5:00pm
or call 301.270.2355 ______________________ ________________ Iraqi Lawmakers Back Bill on U.S.
An Open Letter to America:
“Now is the time for us to stand up and stand
July 1, 2007
My Fellow Americans:
Lieberman Favors Military Strike on Iran -- Tell Joe His Position is Irresponsible and Counterproductive
Sen. Joe Lieberman said Sunday on "Face the
Nation" that "I think we've got to be prepared to
take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from
killing Americans in Iraq,'' adding that that would include a
"a strike over the border into Iran." Read the full article on Lieberman's endorsement of
bombing Iran here.
Please support this action by calling Senator Lieberman's office at (202) 224-4041 and
expressing opposition to his call for attacking Iran. Let him know that
such an attack will be counterproductive, create another battlefront in
the Middle East at a time when the U.S. is stretched thin and losing in
Iraq. Remind him that the U.S. has finally begun negotiations with Iran
and diplomacy should be pursued.
June 4, 2007
What Does It Mean To Be Occupied?
Yesterday VotersForPeace had the honor of
meeting Iraqi labor leader Hashmeya Muhsin Hussein, President of the
Electrical Utility
Workers Union and the first woman to lead a union in Iraq. Hashmeya is
here on a speaking tour on behalf of US Labor
Against the War to talk about the Iraqi oil law and its
implications for Iraq. Hashmeya was unbelievably gracious to all of us
hosting her when she said that it is "up to Iraqis"
to bring an end to the occupation. She stressed how important it is for
the Iraqi Parliament and cabinet to call for an end to the US
occupation-- and it looks like that may be closer to reality after
an important vote in the Iraqi
parliament yesterday that may force the
end of the occupation this year.
In an interview with David Swanson, Hashmeya said that withdraw of all
US troops out of Iraq is "the only solution for the Iraqi
people." Hasmeya emphasized that Iraqis do not want
to be occupied, and that the occupation is only doing more harm to the
To better understand what it means to be occupied, check out the video
link below of a street action organized by Iraq Veterans Against
the War. IVAW members re-enacted typical missions in Iraq
with the support of civilian volunteers. The action was staged New York
City on May 27, 2007, and was meant to show Americans what it
really means to be occupied.
June 1, 2007
Send-Off Rally and Press
Conference for Iraq Veteran
Former Marine Facing Punishment for Protesting the Iraq War
Where: Union Station, Washington, DC
The hearing will be held in Kansas City , MO on June 4th at the Marine
Mobilization Command. Adam Kokesh, his attorney, and his
witnesses, will be taking the Yellow Rose of Texas Peace Bus from DC to
Kansas City . Come join us as we see him off on his 4 day
trip to Kansas City where he dares to speak truth to power regardless
of the consequences.
The Real
Deal on Iraqi Oil | Iraqi Labor
Leaders Tour the US to Protest the Theft of Iraqi Oil
The US is forcing an oil bill through
the Iraqi parliament which will wrench Iraq's oil resources
away from the people and into the hands of foreign oil companies. In
response to this and the continued oppression of women and labor
leaders in Iraq, US Labor Against the War (USLAW) has organized a
Voices of Iraqi Workers Solidarity
Tour from June 4-24 with two of Iraq's
foremost union organizers and social justice leaders. This is a rare
opportunity to hear directly from Iraqi oil workers on these pressing
Visit their
website and find an event near you.
You can download a flier
Put a spotlight on the
consulting firm hired by the US Government to write the new Iraq Oil
5:30 p.m.- march to the Capitol for a picket line (about
¾ of a mile)
WHERE: Offices of BearingPoint
80 M St. SE – near Navy Yard Metro
Join Faleh Abood Umara, General Secretary
of the Iraq Federation of Oil Workers, and Hashmeya Muhsin Hussein,
President of the Iraq Electrical Utility Workers Union, when they pay a
visit to BearingPoint, the agent of the US government's effort to rob
the Iraqi people.
Together we will
expose the "Oil Law" for what it is: the bitter fruit
of Invasion, Occupation, and Plunder.
May 25, 2007
Congress Gives Another Blank Check to Bush for the Occupation of Iraq
In a capitulation to President Bush,
Congress has passed an Iraq War funding bill stripped of a timetable
for withdrawal.
Please call your member of Congress on the Congressional
Switchboard at (202 )224-3121 and let them know what you think about
their vote!
Senate voted 80-14 in favor:
Find out how your Senators voted here.
House voted 280-142 in favor:
Find out how your Representative voted
May 24, 2007
It's All About
By Dennis J. Kucinich
Congressman Kucinich's speech
before the United States House of Representatives
on the Bush Administration's efforts to privatize Iraq oil, and the
disastrous implications of it.
You can watch his press conference here:
May 15, 2007
Forty People Arrested Protesting War During
‘Mother of a March’ in DC
More than 250
anti-war advocates marched through Washington, DC to Capitol Hill on
Monday, May 14, as a part of the "Mother of a March",
an action spearheaded by Cindy Sheehan whose son died in
Iraq. In front of the Cannon House Office Building the
demonstrators formed two circles of peace with 40 refusing to move from
the center of the street when ordered by the police. In the
middle of the two circles was an American flag flying at half
As the 40 were arrested the crowd chanted “Arrest George
Bush” and “Stop the Funding, Stop the
Killing.” Rev. Lennox Yearwood, who was also arrested,
pointed out that from the time the crowd marched from the White House
to Capitol Hill two more U.S. soldiers were reported dead.
The march kicked off a “Summer of Action” where
anti-war demonstrators will SWARM on Congress from today until June 31
advocating an end to the war. Numerous speakers urged peace
voters to put “peace before partisanship”, and
reminded voters that thus far the Democrats have not lived up to the
mandate of the voters who elected them to end the war.
Tina Richards, a Marine Mom whose son served two tours of duty in Iraq
and now has been found by the VA to be 80% disabled, said the purpose
of the SWARM is to “bring citizen pressure on Congress so
that they fulfill the mandate of the American voters who put the
Democrats in power to end the war.”
Read more about the SWARM on DC below!
Join Tina Richards, Linda Schade, Kevin Zeese, Rev. Yearwood and many
more for a summer of action to protest the illegal US occupation of
Stay in DC for a few days or weeks while meeting with members of Congress,
attending hearings, conducting protests, sit-ins and media
May 11,
House Passes
New War Funding Bill
Two Iraq war funding bills were voted on by the House yesterday,
resulting in the passage of a new funding bill that would immediately
provide $43 billion for the war and mandate another vote by July 24 on
another installment of $40 billion. This bill (HR2206) sets
benchmarks for the Iraqi government but does not enforce a firm
timetable for withdrawal. The bill will now move to the
Another bill (HR2237) introduced by Rep. Jim McGovern called for a
withdrawal from Iraq within 9 months. The bill was backed by
Pelosi and Murtha but it was defeated 171 - 255. This was the
best vote yet for the peace movement and it will be offered for another
vote in July. Find out how your Representative voted for this
bill here:
If your member voted YES, be sure to thank them!
By Joshua Partlow,
Washington Post Foreign Service
Washington Post, May 11, 2007; Page
A majority of members of Iraq's parliament have signed a
draft bill that would require a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S.
soldiers from Iraq and freeze current troop levels. The development was
a sign of a growing division between Iraq's legislators and prime
minister that mirrors the widening gulf between the Bush administration
and its critics in Congress.
May 10, 2007
Call your Representative NOW and tell them to vote YES on H.R. 2237!
Rep. Jim
McGovern's (D-MA) bill, HR 2237, is being voted on in the House TODAY
and we need your calls of support! Call the Capitol switchboard at
202-224-3121 and ask to speak to your Representative. HR 2237 calls for
troop withdrawal and to cut off funding for the war. This is a
significant victory for the anti-war movement and the anti-war members
of congress-- but only if the House passes this important piece of
The bill would redeploy troops from Iraq quickly and cut off funding
for the war. In addition, it requires that all U.S. military bases in
Iraq be turned over to the Iraqis. But, some important changes have
been made:
- The word 'withdrawal' is replaced with 'redeployment';
- It would go into effect '90 days after enactment' instead of the 30 days in the original bill;
- It would withdraw all US troops except for troops engaged in limited
operations against al Qaeda and other foreign terrorist, and for
training Iraq troops; and
- In addition to clarifying that economic and social reconstruction aid
for Iraq continues, it adds the word 'diplomatic' as well, so that
funding for our embassy personnel is not cut off.
This is not the peace movement's perfect bill, but it does mandate a
redeployment of troops quickly, and cuts off funding for the war. It
also requires that U.S. military bases be turned over to the Iraqis. A
stong YES vote on the bill will also send a powerful signal to the
Democratic leadership that there is support in the House for cutting
funding for the war.
Please call TODAY!
Call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121, ask to speak to your
Representative, and ask them to vote YES on HR 2237!
May 8, 2007
the Voters Were Represented, There’d Be a Veto-Proof Majority
for Iraq Withdrawal
Robert Naiman, Just Foreign Policy
Members of Congress voted on a timetable for withdrawing from Iraq
based on whether more people in their districts favored or opposed such
a timetable, it would pass the House by a margin of at least 418-17,
and the Senate by a margin of 98-2. If only those Members
voted yes who represent districts where at least 50% of the public
supports such a timetable, it would still pass with a margin of at
least 329-106 in the House and 78-22 in the Senate, a three-fourths
majority in both chambers. In either case this would be far more than
the margin needed to override a Presidential veto.
Read more . . .
May 4, 2007
Sen. Durbin Publicly Admits Senate Intelligence Committee Knew Bush Was Falsely Leading America to War in Iraq reported on Wednesday that Senator Dick Durbin stood up on the Senate floor and admitted that, as a member
of the Senate Intelligence Committee, he was privy to top secret
intelligence before the attack on Iraq that revealed that the Bush
Administration was giving false and misleading information to the
American public, Congress and the world to try to justify an attack
Iraq. Watch the video here.
Rep. Dennis Kucinich recently introduced articles
for impeaching Vice President Cheney on these same grounds.
Durbin's admission does not only implicate the Bush Administration of
illegal actions, but also the 16 members of the Senate Intelligence
Committee which included Presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards and
potential candidate Sen. Fred Thompson.
May 3, 2007
Democrats Cave In to Bush's Veto
Within just a day after Bush's veto of
the Iraq war supplemental funding bill, Democrats already offered thier biggest possible
concession: the removal of a timeline for withdrawal. The
Democratic leadership claims to be "committed to ending this
war", but we have to wonder how this will happen if they are
both funding it and refusing to set an end date to the
At this time, it's absolutely crucial that every voter make their voice
heard by calling, emailing, writing, meeting, and occupying their
member of Congress. None of us can afford another year in this war.
Please do all you can to let your member know that you want
them to stand up to Bush and deliver the mandate for peace we voted for
in November.
May 2, 2007
Stand Up to Bush's Veto!
is about to get a second chance to end the Iraq War and this time . . .
do it right.
Last night, President Bush vetoed Congress' $124 billion Iraq War
funding bill that also carried with it several restrictions on the use
of force and a timetable for withdrawal. In truth, these requirements
were mere suggestions that could have been waived by Bush, but still
Bush refused even those minimal constraints.
Now Congress has a second shot to cut off funds for war
and to put forward a bill that funds a responsible withdrawal and full
care for veterans. Some members of Congress, such as Sen. Barak Obama,
have irresponsibly promised to deliver a 'clean' bill without any
restrictions, guidelines or accountability. At the same time, the few
who have stood up against the war are facing increasing
pressure from their party leadership and their base.
Fortunately, there are members such as Sen. Russ Feingold who are
standing up and saying 'We will not back down to Bush.'
President Bush expects Congress to respond
to his veto by giving him funding for the wars without any
restrictions, guidelines or accountability. We need Congress to stand
up to Bush and say NO to his bullying tactics.
TAKE ACTION NOW to make sure that Congress Stands Up to
Bush's Veto!
1. Call your member of Congress
TODAY to say
Call the Congressional Switchboard TODAY at (202)
224-3121. Ask for the office of your Representative or
Senators. If your member of Congress is not available, ask to talk to
the foreign policy advisor. If you can't speak to anyone on the phone,
leave a voicemail. You can find your member of
Congress here.
2. Write a letter to your local
We need to show Congress that voters support their stand up to Bush--
help us get this message out by sending your letter
3. Plan an action in your community!
For an idea on an action you can host, check out
this historic action VotersForPeace participated in last week in the
Hart Senate building. More than 100 people
expressed their opposition to more funds for war, resulting in 14
unplanned arrests. Letters from military families were read as banners
dropped, and a trumpeter played taps as a military chaplain presided
over a dramatic reenactment of a military funeral. Keep the momentum
building in your community and sign up to host an action
April 27, 2007
Senate Passes Bill Seeking Iraq Exit; Veto is
By Carl Hulse, NY Times
The Senate on Thursday sent President Bush a $124 billion
war spending measure that he has promised to veto, forcing Democrats to
begin confronting the difficult question of what to do after the
president acts.
April 26, 2007
Majority of Americans Support a Troop Withdrawal
An NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll released this week shows
that 56 percent say they agree more with the Democrats in Congress who
want to set a deadline for troop withdrawal, versus the 37 percent who
say they agree with Bush that there shouldn't be a deadline.
* * *
14 People Arrested on Capitol Hill During Peace Demonstration
A dozen antiwar groups organized today's action in the Hart Senate
office building which led to the arrest of 14 participants. The action
included singing, banner dropping, reading of letters from military
families and a Funeral for the Next Soldier with Rev. Yearwood of the
Hip Hop Caucus presiding.
April 24, 2007
Congress Investigates Military Cover-Up and
Deception in the Death of Pat Tillman
When NFL star Pat Tillman was
killed three years ago in an ambush attack in Afghanistan, his death
was heralded as an act of bravery in the face of enemy fire. The truth
of the matter, however, was that he did not die by enemy fire, but by
friendly fire from an American convoy.
That truth was inconvenient for the Pentagon at a time when they were
facing increasing criticism. So, rather than tell the truth about
Tillman's death, the military ordered his fellow rangers not to tell the
truth, lied to his family about his death, and lied to the
American public. Mary Tillman, Pat Tillman's mother, said pointedly
that, "This was an attempt to dupe the public and to promote
this war and to get recruitments up, and that is
At the same time that Congress is investigating the death of Pat
Tillman, they are also looking into another allegation of fabrication
by the military-- the rescue Pfc. Jessica Lynch. Lynch, who appeared at
the committee hearing (watch a video here), said she hoped to
"set the record straight" about her rescue and its
embellishments by the military.
April 23, 2007
Conference Committee Agrees on Iraq War Supplemental
David Espo, AP
A historic veto showdown
assured, Democratic leaders agreed Monday on legislation that requires
the first U.S. combat troops to be withdrawn from Iraq by Oct. 1 with a
goal of a complete pullout six months later.
"No more will Congress turn a
blind eye to the Bush administration's incompetence and
dishonesty," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said in a
speech in which he accused the president of living in a state of denial
about events in Iraq more than four years after the U.S.-led
April 17, 2007
"Number 3291"
By Cindy Sheehan, Published on Common
met the aunt of number 3291 today. I was sitting in seat 11E and a
flight attendant gave me a note from a woman in seat 33C: “My
nephew was killed in Iraq yesterday. I would like to meet
Seat belt light or not, I headed back
toward the rear of the airplane. We held each other and she said:
“What can I do? My brother was in the Army and he initially
supported the effort. Yesterday, he made a sign with a picture of his
son saying: ‘Murdered by George Bush.’” I
prayed for the Universe to give the families strength yesterday as I do
everyday our soldiers are killed, as I pray for the Iraqis and their
families who are also murdered unnecessarily. I don’t often
get to meet the people I pray for in such a timely
April 16, 2007
If You're for Peace, You Don't Vote for
By David Cobb, The Times-Standard
In the last general election, the American people
rejected the failed policies of the Bush administration, and especially
the disastrous invasion and occupation of Iraq. Political pundits
agreed -- the election was a clear and unambiguous message.
And in only four months time, the new Congress -- led by a Democratic
Party majority in both the Senate and the House of Representatives --
ignored that message.
April 10, 2007
Iraqis Call for an End to the US Occupation
Tens of
thousands of Iraqis gathered in the holy city of Najaf on Monday to
demand an end to the US military occupation of Iraq. Marking
the fourth anniversary of the fall of Baghdad, Shiite cleric Moktada
al-Sadr called for this gathering of Iraqis as he renewed a previous
call for Iraqi's to cease working with US military personnel in
Meanwhile in Washington DC, Ali Allawi, a senior
advisor to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, spoke to
audiences about why American forces need to make a
“u-turn” and cease their military actions in
Iraq. A native Iraqi, Allawi spent 30 years in exile in the
UK before returning to Iraq in 2003 at the invitation of the coalition
government. A former supporter of the occupation, Allawi
served as the Minister of Finance and later as the Minister of
Defense. He kept a journal of the “American project
in Iraq” during this time and eventually compiled this
expertise as a first-hand participant into a book, “The Occupation of Iraq: Winning the War,
Losing the Peace.
Now that the war is in its fifth year with no end in sight, Allawi
believes that the war has “unleashed forces that need to be
acknowledged, contained, and integrated.” He
asserts that we “cannot tackle it by throwing tanks and
missiles at it, nor by throwing at it platitudes about the democratic
process.” Rather, Allawi believes that stability in
Iraq is going to require concessions by all parties, countries and
ethnic groups involved. In the end, there is no easy answer,
but one thing is certain: continued occupation is no
answer at all.
April 6, 2007
Peace Activists Bring the
Realities of War to Easter Celebrations at the White House
On Monday, April 9, peace
voters will join the Vineeta Foundation, VotersForPeace, and others for
a "cluster bomb hunt" on the north side of the White
House. "When you look at the message of Easter, it's about
life and love and peace," said Linda Schade, executive
director of Voters for Peace, another co-sponsor. "We're
trying to emphasize how our actions are not in step with our
values." Read the full Washington Post article
April 5, 2007
Peace Movement
Takes Action Against Climate Change!
It's time to bridge the divide between the peace movement and the
climate action movement! For far too long, our groups have been working
on one or the other of these issues, but now is the time to acknowledge
the ways in which these issues are linked and take action to end
both war and climate change!
April 3, 2007
The Occupation Continues
Still wondering what an occupation looks like? Check out this video
below from March 29, 2007, when peace advocates occupied the Hart
Senate Office Building, in Washington, DC.
Your Members of Congress Are Waiting to Hear From You -- TAKE ACTION
In the past two weeks, both the House and Senate passed
Iraq War funding bills that allocate over $100 billion to the continued
occupation of Iraq. This was a disappointment for Peace Voters across
the nation, but there is still an opportunity to improve the
bill and demand a firmer deadline for bringing home our
Congress is now on recess until April
9th for the Senate and April 15th for the House. While your members of
Congress are home for the session, schedule a meeting to talk to them about the funding
bills. Ask them why they continue to fund this illegal and
unjust war-- and demand they take steps to end it once and for all! If
they continue to support the funding or refuse to meet with you,
consider holding an occupation of their office.
March 29, 2007
Senate Approves $122 Billion for War in Iraq and Afghanistan
The Senate voted 51-47 today to approve
another $122 billion in war funding. The funding package provoked sharp
criticism from Senate Republicans and the White House because it
includes a non-binding March 2008 withdrawal date. President Bush is
expected to veto the bill but Senate Democrats are determined that they
will eventually garner the votes needed to override his veto.
March 26, 2007
Howard Zinn Asks: Are We Politicians or Citizens?
Published in The
Progressive, May 2007
As I write this, Congress is
debating timetables for withdrawal from Iraq. In response to the Bush
Administration's "surge" of troops, and the
Republicans' refusal to limit our occupation, the Democrats are
behaving with their customary timidity, proposing withdrawal, but only
after a year, or eighteen months. And it seems they expect the anti-war
movement to support them.
Two Out of Three Americans Want Withdrawal of US Troops
On the four-year anniversary of the Iraq war
approaches with Congress debating an allocation of an additional $100
billion to fund war, a Zogby poll found that two-thirds (68%) of 1028
Americans questioned favored short-term withdrawal of troops.
One year ago, 72% of the troops in Iraq themselves similarly responded
that they favored short-term withdrawal from Iraq.
March 23, 2007
House Passes the $124.1 Billion Iraq War Supplemental
After two months of anticipation about
whether the new Congress would use the "power of the
purse" to bring US troops home from Iraq, the House has passed
the Iraq War supplemental that gives Bush the war funds to continue the
occupation until at least August 2008.
The House passed the supplemental in a very
close vote 218-212-1. There were eight Democrats who voted
with the anti-war movement against the supplemental for the right
reasons. This included Representatives Dennis Kucinich, John
Lewis, Barbara
Lee, Mike McNulty,
Michaud, Maxine Waters,
Watson, and Lynn
Woolsey. Republican Rep. Ron Paul (TX) also voted
"NO" for the right reasons. Please call these members
at 202.224.3121 to say thank
you for their resolve to end this illegal and
unjust war.
There were also six Democrats who voted against the bill because they
wanted it to support the war even more strongly. These
included Representatives John Barron, Dan Boren, Lincoln Davis, Jim
Marshall, Jim Matheson, and Gene Taylor. Rep. Mel Watt did not vote but
came to the floor after the vote to say he would have voted for the
supplemental if he had not been delayed. Rep. Paul Kanjorski
did not vote because he was ill and Rep. Pete Stark voted
The full roll call vote is available at:
March 23, 2007
MoveOn Poll Misleads Congress and
Misrepresents Its Membership
On Sunday, March 18, sent a poll to its membership asking
whether their members would support or oppose the $124.1billion Iraq
war supplemental. The poll asked the question in a way that led their
members to support the supplemental plan proposed by Nancy Pelosi. The
poll offered no details about the plan, its compromises or the
exceptions it gives to the timeline for withdrawal.
March 21, 2007
ALERT to Peace Voters in Swing States
The House of Representatives is going to vote tomorrow on the $124
billion Iraq war funding supplemental. It is going to be a very close
vote and 47 Members of Congress are still
undecided. This is a critical vote that has to
power to say to President Bush and the Congressional leadership that
we want our troops to come home-- and we want them home
Please call 202-224-3121 today and urge your
Representative to oppose the Iraq War
1. Find your member of Congress here: #
2. Find out if he/she is undecided here:
Ask to speak to your Member of Congress or their foreign policy advisor.
4. Tell them to vote NO on the Iraq War Supplemental
This war supplemental bill is touted as changing the course in Iraq
because it requires troops to be out by August 31, 2008, and it
implements benchmarks that must be met to receive the funding. But even
then there are several exceptions that would allow as many troops as
President Bush wants to remain in Iraq beyond the deadline for
"capturing or killing" members of Al Qaeda and
training the Iraqi military. It even gives President Bush a way to
skirt around the bill's requirements to send combat ready troops if he
deems it "necessary".This bill does not represent why
we voted a new Congressional majority into office in November.
Please call 202-224-3121
today to tell your Representative to vote NO!
March 21, 2007
Tina Richards Continues Her Call
to Congress to vote NO to War Funding
For the past two weeks, VotersForPeace has been walking the halls of Congress with Marine
mom Tina Richards pushing members to vote against the $124 billion war
supplemental bill. Last Monday, in a follow up to her chance meeting with Rep. Obey,
VotersForPeace joined Tina in a closed door meeting with a senior Obey staffer on
the supplemental bill where Tina explained that the bill is
bad for soldiers, military families and bad for America.
Since then, Tina has been
featured on NPR, Newsweek, the Washington Post and many
other media outlets.
March 16, 2007
BraveNewFoundation Launches
Iraq Veterans Memorial
This memorial was conceived as a place to
honor the servicemembers who lost their lives over the past four years
during the Iraq War. By watching the videos, you will have
the opportunity to learn about these heroes from those who knew them
best -- their family, friends, and fellow servicemembers.
Visit for more information
or to contribute a video.
Arrest of Three Activists on Capitol Hill
Fuels Anti-War Frustration
Capitol Hill police arrested three activists
yesterday while they were waiting to attend the House Appropriations
Committee hearing on the Iraq supplemental spending bill. The citizens
had been waiting at the front of the line since 7am and were told that
they would not be allowed into the room once the hearing was about to
March 13, 2007
Peaceful Protestors are Tear-Gassed and Shot at with Rubber Bullets by Tacoma Police
March 12,
The Iraq Exit Plan That is Likely to Lead to a Bigger Middle East War
VotersForPeace Co-Founder Kevin Zeese
explains how the “Democratic Supplemental” fails to
deal with Iran and has loopholes that will leave tens of thousands or
more troops in Iraq.
March 9, 2007
The Pressure is Building -
Let's Keep it Up!
Earlier this week, VotersForPeace launched a nine-day national call-in
campaign in which peace voters across the country are telling their
members of Congress: Stop funding the War-- vote NO on the war
appropriations! We have received a fantastic response to this call-in
campaign and thousands of you have reported back with an update on your
call to Congress. We're now on the fifth day of the campaign and the
calls keep rolling in to Capitol Hill.
The pressure is building-- let's keep it up!
Please help us continue to put pressure on Congress by donating $25 to VotersForPeace today.
We need your support at this critical time because
Congress needs to hear from peace voters every
day. For the next two weeks we are focusing our
resources on the House by pushing them to vote NO on the supplemental,
to fully fund a safe withdrawal of our troops, and to establish a
deadline for withdrawal from Iraq. After that, our efforts will move to
the Senate. Our constant pressure is paying off. Help us keep it up
with your support and by continuing to take action!
And, because we recognize that future military conflicts will be rooted
in battles over resources made worse by the climate change crisis,
VotersForPeace has initiated a new coalition of peace and climate
action organizations. This coalition seeks to unite two vibrant
movements along one shared premise: Oil is the critical
link between war and climate change. In the coming
months, expect to see new actions led by VotersForPeace and the No War
No Warming coalition, as well as news and updates from the
Peace-Climate Nexus.
Click here to read our first call to action!
VotersForPeace is energized by these new initiatives and by your
willingness to call, write and occupy Congress. It's our critical job
to provide easy ways for you to take action, but all of our work takes
valuable time and money. If you think our work is important to ending
this war, please donate $25
or more today. Your tax-deductible contribution will go
towards our work identifying and educating new peace voters across the
political spectrum, keeping you updated on news and legislation, and of
course providing the best ways possible for you to take action. Thank
you for your support-- let's keep up the good
March 5, 2007
Tell Your Member of Congress to Vote NO and Stop Funding the War!
TODAY, Monday, March 5th
Call the Congressional Switchboard at
202.224.3121 and ask to speak with your
member of Congress or the foreign policy advisor.
Tell Congress to vote NO on the supplemental appropriations!
Find your member of Congress
By voting NO on Bush's war funding, Congress can end this war-- a war
that has caused a global rise in terrorism, a war that has killed over
655,000 Iraqi and 3,100 American people, and a war that has put our
nation into debt for generations to come. The House of Representatives
is voting on Bush's $100 billion war supplemental on Wed, March 14th.
This is the only way that Congress can end the war and it's the first
war funding vote for the new Congress. We need to put constant pressure
on Congress to vote NO on the supplemental, so we are working with
numerous other groups to flood Capitol Hill with phone calls every day
leading up to the vote. VotersForPeace is kicking off the call-in day
today and we hope you will help us!
Feb 27, 2007
Congress Needs to Follow the Consensus of the American Public:
Majority of Americans Want
Conditions on War Funding and a Deadline for a Troop Withdrawal
Yet another poll released today in the Washington
Post shows us that 53% of Americans want a
deadline for a troop withdrawal and 56% strongly object to a troop
escalation. Even more interestingly, a clear majority of Americans
(58%) support placing conditions on war funding to ensure troop
readiness and rest. A plan proposed last week by John Murtha
(D-PA) sought to do that very thing but was shot down by his
House colleagues after a political entanglement.
The Washington Post reported earlier that,
"While the public is fed up with Iraq, there is
little consensus over what to do." We suggest that
Congress look no further than the poll released today and a series of polls released in January. The
American public is in consensus-- now it's up to Congress to put petty
politics aside and carry out the will of the people.
Feb 26, 2007
Will You Join the March on the Pentagon?
March 17th marks the end of the fourth
year of the disastrous war in Iraq. People from around the country will
be coming to DC to March on the Pentagon in protestof the
war-- will you be one of them? The march also commemorates the 40th
anniversary of the 1967 march on the Pentagon in protest of the Vietnam
War (see photo at left).
Support for Iraq War
Series of polls finds little
confidence in Bush or Democrats.
Majority want withdrawal.
A series of polls
in January have made the message clear: The public wants
Congress to use the power of the purse to prevent an increase in troops
in Iraq and to develop a time table for withdrawal. The polls find the
country on the wrong track with little confidence in the leadership of
the country, from either party, to get the United States on the right
Read the full analysis
by Kevin
Feb 23, 2007
Democrats Seek to Repeal 2002 War Authorization
Moving away from the
previously trumpeted proposal to attach requirements to Bush's funding
request, the Democrats are shifting gears and will try to repeal the 2002 war authorization that
initially led Bush to war.
Feb 22,
Blair announces Iraq withdrawal plan
British Prime
Minister Tony Blair announced yesterday they will begin a troop
withdrawal from Iraq. As the largest coalition presence in Iraq, the
news came as a blow to the Bush administration which is seeking to
increase-- not decrease-- troop levels. Blair plans to withdraw 1,600
troops in the coming months with further cuts in the 7,100 British
force ahead.
Feb 21, 2007
VotersForPeace Survey Results
In December 2006, we asked our 130,000 email
subscribers about the issues they're most concerned about, the tactics
they're most likely to employ, and what they would like VotersForPeace
to work on. The results are in and you can read the full
survey results here.
More than half of the respondents (61%) said they are most
likely to get active by emailing their members of Congress. When asked
about the issues our supporters are most likely to work on, 42% replied
US wars of aggression; an additional 25% said impeachment and 11% said
human rights. Outside of issues pertaining to the Iraq war or wars of
aggression, a majority of people (65%) replied that they are also
involved in global warming issues.
How Well Do You Know the Middle East?
Take this ABC quiz on Sunni and Shiite facts to see
if you understand the difference between the two sects.
Global Terrorism on the Rise Since the US Invasion of Iraq in 2003
An exclusive Mother Jones
article, "The Iraq Effect", reveals that
global "jihadist attacks" have increased 607% since
the US invasion of Iraq. The report reveals that the rate of attacks on
Western interests and citizens has risen by almost 25 percent, further
proving wrong Bush's claim that we are somehow safer today.
Feb 16,
Breaking News: The House passes a resolution
rejecting Bush's proposed troop
Senate Prepares to Vote on Bush's Escalation Plan
It seems that Iraq is suddenly receiving the urgency it
deserves. In an unexpected move late yesterday, Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid scheduled a Saturday "up or down" Senate vote
on a resolution to oppose Bush's troop escalation plan.
Members of Congress appear to be increasingly aware of the need to
prove their commitment to bringing US troops home-- and they should be.
In the past two weeks, anti-war activists have occupied the offices of,
among others, Hilary Clinton, John McCain, and Barbara Mikulski
(D-MD)-- and more actions are planned throughout the month.
On Feb 15, VoterForPeace Co-Founder Kevin Zeese and
Outreach Coordinator Trina Zahller were participants in the occupation
of Sen. Mikulski's office. Mikulski voted against the use of
military force in Iraq in 2002 but since then has voted to approve
spending on the war and has refused to comment on the upcoming
appropriations vote. Mikulski represents a new type of target for
anti-war activists: members of Congress who, despite previous votes
against the war or war funding, are simply not doing enough to bring an
end to the occupation. The message is clear: unless you are willing to
say NO to Bush and NO to his war funding, you should assume that you,
too, will be occupied.
The House Moves on a Non-Binding Resolution to Oppose an Escalation of US Troops
After three days of debate on the floor of the House of Representatives
over whether the Congress supports a surge of US troops, the House is
readying for a vote. The outcome is pre-ordained - the House
will oppose the surge - but two questions remain. First, how
many Republicans will join the Democrats? And, second: Will the non-binding resolution be a predecessor to
restricted war funding?
The Washington Post reported that at least a dozen House Republicans are expected to
oppose the surge, while others predict the number to be as
high as fifty. As for the question of whether the non-binding
resolution will trigger further efforts to restrict funding for the
war, the outlook is a little foggier. House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi announced her support for special conditions on war funds, but still refuses to deny Bush his requested war funding.
Feb 15, 2007
Take Action to Prevent a War on Iran
It's becoming clear: the Bush Administration seems committed to another
war of aggression – this time against Iran – and
they're stopping at nothing to make their case. This week, the
administration has been busy making
allegations of Iranian interference in Iraq based on flimsy
evidence produced by anonymous witnesses read below for more
information. High-ranking officials such as General
Peter Pace, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, are
speaking out against the claims but Bush
remains defiant in his accusations.
The situation is urgent, but we still have time
to prevent this tragedy. We need to let
Congress, the White House and all of our friends and neighbors know
that we oppose any military action against Iran. Congress is on break
from Feb 19-23, which means they will be back in their home districts.
This is a key opportunity to take your anti-war message to their
Here's how you can help:
- Send
a letter to your local newspaper today -
Help us reach our goal of publishing at least one letter to the editor
in each congressional district so that Congress will see that their
constituents are opposed to a war on Iran. Let's ensure that Bush
doesn't start yet another war of aggression in our name!
- Schedule a
meeting with your members of Congress - to
talk about what they are doing to bring our troops home from Iraq and
prevent a war against Iran.
- Send an
email to your members of Congress - demanding
that they do everything possible to prevent any and all military action
against Iran.
Feb 9, 2007
Congress Starts to Move, Albeit Slowly
The often slow pace of
Congress has not limited the number of twists and turns we've seen this
week in DC. On Monday, Bush submitted his $2.9 trillion budget to
Congress, allocating $717 billion, or 25% of our total spending, to the
military. This includes $100 billion more for the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan this year. That same day, Senate Republicans blocked debate of a resolution opposing
Bush's war escalation, and then came back three days later
saying they would do everything in their power to "ensure a full and open
debate". Meanwhile, the House
finally agreed to debate its own nonbinding resolution to oppose the
escalation, which will likely begin on Tues, Feb 13.
The Congressional Progressive Caucus, which includes 71 House members,
is still pushing for more effective legislation among their fellow
Representatives. On Feb 7, the CP Caucus issued a statement calling for a total withdrawal of
US troops and contractors within six months. The plan asks
for a fully-funded withdrawal and accepts that Congress has no other
choice but to use the "power of the purse" to put an
end to Bush's war plan. To support their efforts, please email
your member of Congress today, or call them and use our talking points reference
Feb 7, 2007
The Occupation Begins
On Monday, Feb 5th activists
across the country began their take-over of Congressional district
offices. Here in DC, the Occupation Project was launched at Sen. John
McCain's Capitol Hill office. Ten peace activists were
arrested including Voices for Creative Nonviolence Executive Director
Kathy Kelly, who was later interviewed on Democracy Now!
Perhaps you are still thinking about joining an occupation? Search here for a Declaration of Peace Civil
Disobedience Action - or -
an Occupation Project in your
town. Still wondering where your member of Congress
stands on the war? Check out your Representative's war voting record, or
click here for your Senators' position on the surge and
Jan 31, 2007
VotersForPeace is excited to endorse the upcoming acts of civil
disobedience and war resistance led by The Occupation Project and Declaration of Peace. Activists across the
country are going to stop "business as usual" by
occupying the offices of members of Congress who continue to support
President Bush's occupation of Iraq.
Peace Voters
Unite to Stop War Funding - Bring the Troops Home Now!
This weekend, people from across
the country gathered in DC to rally, sing, march, learn and lobby for
an end to the occupation of Iraq. UFPJ,
the event organizers, estimate that 500,000 people were at Saturday's
rally while 1,000 people stayed in DC for Monday's Congressional Lobby
Day. This was no small feat-- and the result was one of the largest
events calling for an end to the Iraq war and the largest lobby day in
our Capitol's history.
Even with an eye-popping crowd of 500,000, the number of supporters was outshone by the quality of participation and the focus of the message. The peace movement was unified like never before as people of every political stripe, age, ethnicity and social cause came together to demand that Bush "Bring the Troops Home Now".
Jan 25, 2007
The Anti-War
Movement Needs YOU For Three Days
David Swanson of gives the anti-war movement a
good dose of team spirit as we prepare for the March on
Washington in his editorial, Huddle Up!
Jan 24, 2007
Peace Advocates Respond to the State of the Union
Linda Schade and Kevin Zeese discuss
Bush’s State of the Union remarks regarding Iraq, Iran,
Israel and global warming. Length: 17 minutes
Click on the image below to watch the video
Excerpt from the video:
"Most significant was Bush’s statement, “I
chose this course of action because it provides the best choice for
success.” All his advisors are telling him that the US
‘can’t win,’ whatever that means. Yet
Bush refuses to accept the facts on the ground, refuses to understand
that the presence of US troops is fueling the violence. He is out of
touch with reality. His talk of ‘turning events toward
victory’ is at this point delusional.”
- Linda Schade, Executive Director, VotersForPeace
So what is a peace voter to do?
"Sign the VotersForPeace Pledge and make a
commitment today that you will only support peace candidates in
- Linda Schade, Executive Director, VotersForPeace
“Peace Voters
should also sign our Stop the Escalation, Begin the Withdrawal
petition and urge your friends to do so as well. We will
deliver the signatures to Congressional leadership before any vote on
additional funding for Iraq.”
Kevin Zeese, Director, Democracy Rising
Jan 17, 2007
Listen to the Voices of Iraq:
DemocracyRising Interviews Dal LaMagna
Dal LaMagna, the founder of the Progressive Government Institute and the Iraqi Voices Project, is interviewed here by Kevin Zeese, the Director of DemocracyRising. You can also read a transcript of the interview.
Jan 15, 2007
Join our campaign:
"Stop the Escalation - Stop Funding the War"
President Bush has again done the unthinkable: at a time
when the majority of Americans want a withdrawal of US troops from
Iraq, he has announced his plans to escalate the
conflict. This is a blatant dismissal of the American people (only
11% support a troop increase according to
a Jan. 7 poll) and the advice of his top military advisors-- and it's a
critical litmus test for the new
The Democrats have stated that they will
"attempt to
derail funding" for Bush's proposed escalation, but
they also need to refuse Bush's upcoming appropriations request for
$127 billion to maintain our illegal occupation of Iraq. Congress can
spark the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, but it's going to take a
lot of work to encourage our members of Congress to vote the right
For the next
month, we need your help by
calling your members' offices,
emailing them, and scheduling meetings to get their
commitment to refuse further funding for the war. In these meetings or
phone calls, try to get them to make a formal statement in support or
opposition to Bush's appropriations request. Make weekly calls and
emails, and remember to thank those who support our mission. Let them
know that you will only grow stronger until you hear a formal answer
from them.
2842 N. Calvert St.
Baltimore, MD 21218
Copyright 2017 VotersForPeace.US. All rights reserved.