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VotersForPeace Survey Results

In December 2006, VotersForPeace released a survey for our members to reflect on the issues we are facing today, our activist tactics, and what they see for the future.  Here is a brief summary of the responses we received. If you didn't fill out the survey but would like to send us your comments and suggestions, please email them to [action @].


When asked about which issues our supporters are most likely to work on, 42% replied US wars of aggression; an additional 25% said impeachment and 11% said human rights.  In addition to ending the Iraq war, our supporters want to work on impeachment (24%) and the potential of a US war of aggression against Iran (42%).  Nearly a quarter of the respondents want us to work on torture (23%) while 19% want us to work on impeachment and another 16% would like us to work on nuclear weapons issues.

Outside of issues directly pertaining to the Iraq war or wars of aggression, a majority of people (65%) replied that they are also involved in global warming issues.  Another 43% work on democracy issues while 23% of respondents work on civil rights.


In regard to the question of which VotersForPeace tactic was most effective, the majority of people responded that our email functions including links to contact members of congress and our tell-a-friend function were most effective.  The second most popular response was the VotersForPeace Pledge.

More than half of the respondents (61%) said they are most likely to email their members of Congress.  An additional 14% said they are most likely to write a letter to the editor and 8% most often attend rallies/vigils/protests.  When asked what other tactic they would use if it was offered or organized for them, rallies/vigils/protests (21%), phone-banking to Congress (19%), and writing letters to the editor (16%) were the most popular.

The Future

We asked the question “who would you vote for if the Presidential elections were held tomorrow”.  Many were undecided, but there were four leaders who came out on top:  Dennis Kucinich and Barack Obama both received 18% of the votes from our respondents, John Edwards got 13% and Al Gore came in fourth with 12%.

An overwhelming 80% of respondents replied that they “definitely” want VotersForPeace to have a 527 organization, which would allow us to endorse candidates for public office.  We hear you loud and clear!


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