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On January 4th , Congress began the 2007 session with new leadership ready to take the reins. The problem is, the new Congress doesn't look very different than the old Congress that we supposedly voted out of office. Nancy Pelosi said that she won't defund the war, President Bush is asking for at least $127 billion more to waste on our failed venture in Iraq, and now Bush is proposing an escalation of US troops. Although voters expressed a clear mandate to end the war in Iraq, our leadership is continuing the violence in our name and with our tax dollars.

We think this is an unacceptable betrayal of American voters, so VotersForPeace is working with several peace organizations to remind the new Congress that we will no longer tolerate destroying lives and wasting money for war.


Email your member of Congress: You can use our automated system to generate and personalize an email to your member of Congress.

Call your member of Congress: Ask to speak with your member or their foreign policy advisor and tell them that you hope they will oppose further funding of this war. Call the Congressional Switchboard at 202.224.3121 and ask for the office of your Representative or Senators. If you prefer to make a local or in-state call, visit or to locate your member's website and district office information. We also encourage you to use this one-page lobbying reference sheet for talking points.

Schedule a meeting to meet with your member of Congress: If you are in DC, call 202.224.3121 and ask for the office of your Representative or Senators to arrange this meeting. If you are outside of DC, visit or to locate your member's website. You can usually find district office information on their "Contact Us" page. Print out this one-page reference sheet for talking points or to leave with your member.

Write a letter to your local paper: Send a letter to your local media outlet, echoing the sentiment that voters no longer support spending tax dollars for killing in Iraq. Let us know if your letter is published!

Volunteer to lead local actions : Help us organize local and regional events to tell Congress that we don't want to spend another penny for war.




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