Copy and paste the following letter to hand deliver, fax or mail to your member of Congress. Be sure to include the date at the top and your name and address at the bottom of the letter. You can also personalize the salutation with your member's name.
No More Money for War: A Majority of Americans Want the U.S. Out of Iraq
Dear Member of Congress:
Congratulations on your election to the 110th Congress of the United States. I’m bringing you a small satchel of fair trade chocolates with the message: “Be Sweet – Stop Funding the War.”
Along with a majority of Americans, I voted in 2006 to end the US occupation of Iraq and to bring the troops home. In fact, the November elections were a dramatic referendum against the war which continues until today. Recent polls show that support for sending additional troops to Iraq is at 11% (CNN) or 12% (LA Times). Opposition to the war is at 67% (CNN), and 54% want all U.S. troops out of Iraq by the end of 2007 (CNN).
You likely know that President Bush is asking Congress – and future generations – to shoulder another $100 billion or more in war debt to be considered later this month. This staggering amount is in addition to the recent the $70 billion just granted by Congress for 2007 and the $350 billion already expended.
The most critical action that you can take as my representative is to vote NO on the upcoming "supplemental" spending bill and any other bills that include funds to extend the occupation of Iraq. Remember that the Constitution provides both the House and the Senate the power as well as the responsibility to stop this profligate spending against the will of the voters through the power of the purse.
I would encourage you to consider co-sponsoring and voting yes on any bill de-funding the ‘troop surge.’
I would encourage you to consider co-sponsoring and voting yes on Congressman Jim McGovern's bill (to be re-introduced from last year) or any similar bill which funds withdrawal, reconstruction and a peacekeeping force and any other bill that prevents future funding of the war.
A responsible exit plan put forth by George McGovern and William Polk in ‘Our of Iraq’ (2006) recommends legislation to shift some funds from the $70 billion already set aside for the war this year to: safely bring our troops home in an orderly fashion; support a temporary Muslim peacekeeping force; train an Iraqi police force; fund the reconstruction of Iraq by Iraqis; remove landmines and depleted uranium; dismantle blast walls and wire barriers; restore archaeological sites; train lawyers, judges, journalists, and social workers in Iraq; bring back professional Iraqis who emigrated; rebuild Iraq's public health system; compensate the families of civilians killed and tortured; and provide health care and education for our veterans when they return home.
Thank you for your serious consideration.
2842 N. Calvert St.
Baltimore, MD 21218
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