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Sample Letter to the Editor

Staten Island Advance
Staten Island, NY
Sunday, June 18, 2006


The Eyes Wide Open event in Washington, D.C., broke my heart.

On May 13, I attended the American Friends Service Committee's Eyes Wide Open Exhibit on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Sponsored by Military Families Speak Out, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, Gold Star Families For Peace (families of loved ones killed in this war). The exhibit is of combat boots of dead soldiers; commemorating the casualties of the Iraq war.

It was a very moving, but painful, emotional experience for me and very sad to see the boots of 19 of my husband's comrades who died in Iraq -- a pain indescribable when seeing all 2,500 soldiers who were killed in this war and the shoes of innocent Iraqi citizens also killed.

We listened to the brokenhearted families talk of losing a loved one as a result of this senseless, illegal, immoral war. We heard the speeches of veterans, forever scarred and hurting from losing friends, we listened to Iraqi people talking about the suffering that civilians there go through every day, the truth about what is really happening, no rebuilding in sight except permanent military bases, more deaths every day, more destruction. Every day I mourn for the loss of these soldiers, innocent civilians.

We need to do more to stop these senseless deaths. We are all responsible. We need to say "Bring the troops home now". Write to the president, your congressman, tell them enough is enough! Visit and say you will not vote for or support any candidate for Congress or president who does not make an end to the war in Iraq and prevent any future wars of aggression!

Supporting our troops means bringing them home now, not being made to fight unjust wars. Supporting our troops means that they are taken care of properly when they return home, not forgotten about and tossed to the side, like after Vietnam. This past Memorial Day, I hope everyone remembered what the day really stood for, not barbecues and parties -- on this day we must mourn the loss of our soldiers and innocent citizens who have died.



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