It's becoming clear: the Bush Administration seems to be on a warpath to Iran and they're stopping at nothing to make their case. The administration has been busy making allegations of Iranian interference in Iraq based on flimsy evidence produced by anonymous witnesses (read below for more information). High-ranking officials such as General Peter Pace, the chairman o#f the Joint Chiefs of Staff, are speaking out against the claims but Bush remains defiant in his accusations.
The situation is urgent, but we still have time to prevent this tragedy.
We need to let Congress, the White House and all of our friends and
neighbors know that we oppose any military action against Iran.
Here's how you can help:
- Send a letter to your local newspaper today. Help us reach our goal of publishing at least one letter to the editor in each congressional district so that Congress will see that their constituents are opposed to a war on Iran. Let's ensure that Bush doesn't start yet another war of aggression in our name!
- Schedule a meeting with your members of Congress to talk about what they are doing to bring our troops home from Iraq and prevent a war against Iran.
- Send an email to your members of Congress demanding that they do everything possible to prevent any and all military action against Iran.
- Join an Occupation Project near you. Actions and trainings are taking place throughout the country and we encourage you to add to the growing list!Will we let history repeat itself?
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Baltimore, MD 21218
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