Bolton: 'This is Put Up or Shut Up Time For Iran,' June 05, 2006 Yesterday on Fox's Your World with Neil Cuvuto, U.N. Ambassador John Bolton explicitly said that unilateral military action against Iran was "on the table." Bolton diplomatically added, "This is put up or shut up time for Iran." Transcript: BOLTON: And I think when the President says it's unacceptable, I think what he means by that is that it's unacceptable. So it's important... CAVUTO: But unacceptable means that if it keeps going on you're going to do something about it? BOLTON: That no option is taken off the table. And Secretary... CAVUTO: Military as well? BOLTON: Exactly. Secretary Rice...
CAVUTO: Unilateral military action?
CAVUTO: That we would, I'm sorry Ambassador, that we would act alone if we had to? BOLTON: That's why he says no option is taken off the table. But it's also why he has, the President, has reached out President Putin and other leaders in the past couple of days to say, "We're making a significant step here," that will be criticized by many of the president's staunchest supporters here at home. But he's taking this step to show strength and American leadership and to say he's willing to do something that may be unpopular even with some of his supporters, to remove all excuses from Iran and its supporters to say, "We went the extra mile. We gave Iran really, this last chance to show that they are serious when they say they don't want nuclear weapons." This is put or shut up time for Iran. |
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