46% of voters "strongly" agree or "somewhat" agree with the peace pledge for no more war candidates. These are earthshaking facts. They clearly show that the "peace vote" is the single biggest disenfranchised voter block in the country.
VotersForPeace is here to tell you -- We are not going to be disenfranchised anymore! America, this is our wakeup call.
Wake up, America, to a new day where our national security no longer rests on military might alone, but also on peaceful diplomacy and cooperation with others to build a safer, fairer, better world for all.
Wake up, America, to a new day where our foreign policy no longer serves American "interests" but instead serves American ideals. American interests like military domination, global corporations, and oil. American ideals like freedom, democracy, and human rights for all.
Wake up, America, to a new day where people of faith who value life no longer limit their concerns only to protecting the unborn, but also care about what happens to life outside the womb.
Wake up, America, to a new day where the two parties of violence and greed that squeeze our precious democracy in the vice-like grip can no longer contain us, can no longer deny the goodness of our people. For, when we are left with nothing to choose but the "lesser of two evils" -- we are still choosing evil. It is time for a better choice. VotersForPeace will demand that choice.
Wake up, America, to this new day. God's peace be with you all.
6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 240
Takoma Park, MD 20912
Copyright 2006 VotersForPeace.US. All rights reserved.