VotersForPeace is educating, organizing and activating voters
to end the occupation of Iraq and prevent future wars of aggression. We want to organize anti-war voters into an effective political force that cannot be ignored. We provide voters with the information and tools they
need to be effective advocates; this may mean educating your friends and family on the occupation, writing letters to the media, or becoming active in your region's Congressional elections.
The first thing that voters can do to take action is sign the Voters' Pledge. This sends an important message to their elected officials and it empowers other voters to take a stand and demand withdrawal from Iraq. Second, we urge voters to pro-actively contact their elected officials to garner their support for withdrawal from Iraq. This is easily done using our Write Your Representatives page. Finally, we want to see anti-war advocates Persuade the Press so that the true facts about Iraq and the views of anti-war Americans are represented in the media.
You can reach VotersForPeace by emailing [email protected]
6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 240
Takoma Park, MD 20912
Copyright 2006 VotersForPeace.US. All rights reserved.