VotersForPeace is seeking to educate, organize and activate voters to end the occupation of Iraq and prevent future wars of aggression. We seek to do so by providing voters with the information and tools they need to be effective advocates. If someone wants to Take Action in a few minutes or work to stop the war for ten or more hours a week VotersForPeace has ways to get you involved.
First, we urge voters to take a stand by signing our �Voters Pledge.� Second, we urge voters to urge their elected officials to support ending the Iraq occupation. As a first step, we provide an email letter that makes it is for you to Write Your Representatives. Finally, we want to see anti-war advocates Monitoring the Media so that the true facts about Iraq are represented and so the views of anti-war Americans are represented in the media.
VotersForPeace seeks to organize anti-war voters into an effective political force that cannot be ignored. Please learn about Our New Approach: Organizing Voters to End War...
VotersForPeace.US Launches on 3rd Anniversary of Iraq Occupation
Well-Funded Effort Makes Iraq War: 'an issue candidates can�t ignore'
6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 240
Takoma Park, MD 20912
Copyright 2006 VotersForPeace.US. All rights reserved.