A new report released ahead of the IPCC (12-17 November) lists 102 countries at risk of climate change related violent conflict and instability and calls for an immediate investment in adaptation.�� �A climate of conflict� is written by International Alert, an organisation with expertise in the� causes of conflict and in building sustainable peace.
The report finds that 3.9 billion people are at high risk of violent conflict or� political instability as a consequence of climate change and shows that:��
� Climate change consequences will make the poorest communities across the� world more vulnerable to conflict and put pressure on already stretched� governments to provide basic needs for their most vulnerable citizens.
� In states most at risk of climate change related violent conflict, it is already� too late to focus on mitigation. The priority must be to help these countries to� adapt.
� Measures intended to stem climate change through reducing harmful� emissions, such as carbon trading, can actually increase social tensions in� fragile states and thus increase the risk of violence.
� Peacebuilding, through promoting strong and stable governance and� institutions, will enhance communities� resilience and ability to adapt to� climate change.
� Strengthening capacity to deal with climate change through peacebuilding will� create a win-win situation in fragile states. It will actually strengthen their� ability to reduce harmful emissions in the future and is, therefore, an effective� means of long-term mitigation.
Dan Smith, Secretary General of International Alert, Author of the new Report� and of �The State of the Middle East� is available for interview.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR TO ARRANGE INTERVIEWS PLEASE� CONTACT:�� Caroline Noble [email protected], mob: ++ 7974 176878�� Mona Samari [email protected] mob: ++ 7805 729428�� Background information: International Alert is a respected NGO with two decades of� experience in resolving conflict and building peace across the globe. Working in over 20� countries and territories around the world, its dual approach involves working directly with� people affected by violent conflict as well as at government, EU and UN levels to shape� both policy and practice. The organisation is currently active in areas including the African� Great Lakes, West Africa, the Caucasus, the Andean region of South America, Sri Lanka,� Nepal and the Philippines.
More information can be found at